so it really does have quite the vintage. The poaching wine is sweet and spiced and is reduced to a delicious, tart and slightly fiery spooning sauce. On the side: a nice digestive biscuit.
I’ve been meaning to have a go making one for years, but Elizabeth David writing in her classic tomeEnglish Bread and Yeast Cookerytalked of how fiendishly difficult it is to make and impossible to reproduce at home. That is, unless you are Virginia Woolf,who made an excellent one. These...
A month ago I had the pleasing experience of packing for Perth. In South African slang, ‘packing for Perth’ means immigrating to Australia. In the decade that followed thetransition to democracy, around800,000 mainly white South Africans left– some for New Zealand, Britain, and the United...
Knock up- This means to wake someone up. Although it seems to have an altogether different meaning in the USA! At one time, in England, a chap was employed to go round the streets to wake the workers up in time to get to work. He knew where everyone lived and tapped on the bedroom...
The word syllabub comes from the nameSille, an area in the Champagne region of France that made the eponymously named wine, and the wordbub, an Elizabethan slang word meaning a bubbling drink, henceSille bub– wine mixed with a frothy cream. In fact it was a case of the frothier the...
The word syllabub comes from the nameSille, an area in the Champagne region of France that made the eponymously named wine, and the wordbub, an Elizabethan slang word meaning a bubbling drink, henceSille bub– wine mixed with a frothy cream. In fact it was a case of the frothier the...
The word syllabub comes from the nameSille, an area in the Champagne region of France that made the eponymously named wine, and the wordbub, an Elizabethan slang word meaning a bubbling drink, henceSille bub– wine mixed with a frothy cream. In fact it was a case of the frothier the...