British slang for a look Dekko- To have a look at something. chuffed very pleased Chuffed- You would be chuffed to bits if you were really pleased about something. gobsmacked completely shocked or astonished Gobsmacked- Amazed. wobbler ...
Butchers- To have a butchers at something is to have a look. This is a cockney rhyming slang word that has become common. The reason "butchers" means a look even though it doesn't rhyme is because it is short for "butchers hook" and "hook" of course, does rhyme. C of E- The Ch...
Spoiler alert: Brummie is spoken by Tom Shady in Peaky Blinders.Aside from the accent, regional variations of British English also include different slang words used in different regions of the UK. Here are some of the
Totty –a slang term for an attractive, sexually desirable woman Tuck into – to eat with great enthusiasm Twit – an idiot, often used in an affectionate context Twitcher – a particular type of birdwatcher whose main aim is to collect sightings of rare birds Uni –commonly used abbreviation...
In British English ‘knackered’ is slang for being tired. The origin of this phrase is not very nice – it comes from castrating horses, whose chopped-off testicles were known as ‘knackers’. Urgh! It’s a wonder this phrase has become so popular!
The origin is quite interesting - it is another rhyming slang word that many people don't even realise is short for "Berkeley-Hunt", who was an 1890s stage idiot. Hunt rhymes with, well use your imagination! It's OK to say berk. Big girl's blouse - This is a nice way of saying...
Bob's your uncle是一句很有名的British slang(英国俚语)。相传英国历史上有一位保守党首相叫做Rober Cecil(Robert的昵称就是Bob,不要问为什么,老外都是这么叫哒~),在他任职期间,多次安排他自己的外甥任政府要职。他下台后,接任他... 分享11 兵棋研究所吧 战舰打造纯手打 这个什么意思啊 分享181 纺织吧 我...
In USC slang the word 'Stalky' meant clever and cunning. In the stories it stands for survival, success against the enemy regardless of what means are used, a sense of power, joy, fun, even dignity in the achievement of victory. It stands for everything the schoolboy needs in order to...
Jimmy- Actually short for Jimmy Riddle. i.e. I'm off for a Jimmy Riddle. This is Cockney rhyming slang for piddle! John Thomas- Yet another word for a blokes willy! I always felt a bit sorry for people who were actually called John Thomas. What were their parents thinking?