British slang for a look Dekko - To have a look at something. chuffed very pleased Chuffed - You would be chuffed to bits if you were really pleased about something. gobsmacked completely shocked or astonished Gobsmacked - Amazed. wobbler something that wobbles Wobbler - To "throw a ...
Butchers- To have a butchers at something is to have a look. This is a cockney rhyming slang word that has become common. The reason "butchers" means a look even though it doesn't rhyme is because it is short for "butchers hook" and "hook" of course, does rhyme. C of E- The Ch...
Sir Laurence Olivieris said to have drawled, "Try acting, dear boy; it's easier." That's easy for him to say; after all, he was lauded almost from his school days as the greatest of British thesps, and a bronze-cast memorial to his Hamlet stands outside the National Theatre ...
Where things start to get really confusing is with vocabulary, and I’m not just talking about slang.In Britain, the Royal Mail delivers the post, while in the U.S.A. the Postal Service delivers the mail. Confusing, huh?Many of our vocabulary differences are totally arbitrary: if I did...
Question on a slang phrase Looking for the UK equivalent of "blown off"."Blown off" in this context meaning ditched, avoided, rudely left hanging.I was curious if there's a different phrase used in the UK, because all I've found on Google is that "blow off" in the UK actually refer...
美国生活常用习语CommonBritishSlang 英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非 正式的场合,所以在用这些俚语是一定要考虑到 所用的场合和对象,最好不要随意用这些俚语。 下面是一些常用的俚语。 abirdinthehandisworthtwothebush一鸟 在手,胜似二鸟在林
A month ago I had the pleasing experience of packing for Perth. In South African slang, ‘packing for Perth’ means immigrating to Australia. In the decade that followed thetransition to democracy, around800,000 mainly white South Africans left– some for New Zealand, Britain, and the United...
Someslangwordsforthepoliceare;CopsFuzzPigs(offensive)Filth(offensive)Police IntheUKpolicearecalledPoliceofficersorPoliceconstablesWhenreferringtoanofficerwithintheUKitusuallyrelatestoaPoliceofficerInChinaifyousayofficer–thatmightbeajobworkingfortheGovernment.Thereareover100,000...
"In like Flynn" is a slang phrase meaning "having quickly or easily achieved a goal or gained access as desired". Why did Chase leave Zoey 101 in real life? Flynn—a grandson of golden-era screen legend Errol Flynn—left the showafter three seasons(Chase, in turn, was said to be stud...
George Ade was an America playwright, newspaper columnist and humorist whose greatest recognition was "Fables in Slang" (1899), a satire that explored the colloquial vernacular of America. Ade eventually succeeded in doing what he set out to do: Make America laugh. ...