With intense interrogations and intricate plot twists, “Line of Duty” masterfully builds suspense across its seasons. Known for its labyrinthine storytelling and shocking revelations, the show explores the thin line between duty and betrayal, offering a relentless and thrilling examination of morality...
With gripping plots, complex characters, and an unwavering sense of justice, Line of Duty leaves viewers breathless and hungry for more. Premiered: June 26, 2012 Also ranks #1 on The 50+ Best BritBox Originals Also ranks #2 on Current British TV Shows You've Been Missing This ...
Known for itslabyrinthine storytelling and shocking revelations, the show explores the thin line between duty and betrayal, offering a relentless and thrilling examination of morality within the police force until its riveting conclusion in 2021. Where to watch:Hulu|BBC iPlayer(VPN needed if outside ...
12 line of duty martin compston, vicky mcclure, kelly macdonald 5,011 votes this riveting police drama delves into the murky world of corruption within the force as the dedicated officers of ac-12 work tirelessly to expose wrongdoing. with gripping plots, complex characters, and a...
Line of Dutytransforms from a police procedural to a thriller as the heroes discover that all the corruption they’ve been looking into leads to the same source. Along with a suspenseful, binge-worthy story,Line of Dutyboasts a whole host of U.K. screen-acting heavyweights like Lennie James...
Line of Duty (10/12) Jed Mercurio wrote and produced this deeply cynical BBC mini-series about corruption in the Metropolitan Police. DS Steve Arnott is reassigned to internal affairs after a botched raid and his new supervisor (Adrian Dunbar) is keen to bust Tony Gates (Lennie James) a ...
IN THE LINE OF DUTY In The Quarry IN THE STRANGE PURSUIT OF LAURA DURAND IN2RUDERS INCIDENT IN A GHOSTLAND INCISION INDEFINETELY INDIA SWEETS AND SPICES Indianapolis 500 Indie Film Distribution Indie film trailers top 10 Indie filmmking Indie flm Indie trailer Indiecan Ente...
I did care for Tony Gates, the primary character in LINE OF DUTY. I did care what happened to him, and the creators of the show made me feel that if the circumstances were the same, I could be in the same predicament he was. ...
(Placename) a kingdom of NW Europe, consisting chiefly of the island of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland: became the world's leading colonial power in the 18th century; the first country to undergo the Industrial Revolution. It became theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern...
while those on this side of the pond will have to wait several more days for the new season to arrive. For the first time in the show’s history, an episode was devoted to vegan baked goods.The Great British Baking Show: Collection 6, a Netflix Original s...