the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust has joined forces with more Royal Warrant-holding companies in the St James’s area to host a craft trail celebrating their shared passion for British craftsmanship. Look out for the QEST logo and find QEST Scholar works displayed in stores including Crockett...
Far more than a brand,Libertyis an immersive heritage shopping experience like no other. Although we shared about Liberty in ourGuide to The Most Iconic London Department Stores, it deserves a special mention here as it’s one of the best spots in London to shop for British brands in a hi...
In the Whiskas section, there was a wall of “royal purple” and only narrow bands of colour detailing the flavour. This sent many consumers, such as myself, to the Kattomeat/Arthurs and Felix sections in search of easily identifiable flavours! It also caused problems for the stores when ...
Burberry received its royal warrant from the Queen in 1955. It represents the fact that the brand is worn by the Queen herself, primarily for weatherproof outerwear. Almost every member of the Royal Family has been spotted wearing a Burberry piece. In 1990, Burberry received a second royal war...
By P, with the traditional design style and product design, in 1955, Burberry received the "Royal Warrant" badge awarded by Queen Elizabeth. Later in 1989, Burberry received the Royal Royal guarantee badge awarded by Prince Welsh. < /p > ...
Burberry has always been deeply loved by the royal family. In 1955, Boboli won the Royal Warrant badge awarded by Queen Elizabeth for her traditional and sophisticated design style and production. Later, in 1989, Boboli won the Royal Royal guarantee badge awarded by Prince Welsh. ...
“The Queen always had a good understanding of the importance of textiles and fashion to the British economy,” Chris Jones, co-managing director of royal sockmaker Corgi, which received a Royal Warrant in 1987, says. A Royal Warrant of Appointment is granted as a mark of recognition to peo...
John Lewis as a whole do say they are trying to source more British made goods but still most things in their stores are foreign made and many own brand items are not labelled with country of origin. Visit any High Street clothes shop and I challenge you to find anything that is British...
Shortly after, underwear, vests and athletic trunks were being made in-house, which was how John Smedley continued until the late 1950s, when the focus shifted to the outerwear synonymous with the brand today. Since then, everyone from the royal families (obviously they have a royal warrant)...
but settlers from Barbados to Maine enjoyed a great deal of independence. This was especially true in Massachusetts Bay, where Puritan settlers governed themselves according to the colony’s 1629 charter. Trade in tobacco and naval stores tied the colonies to England economically, as did religion ...