I would like to note that René Chartrand's numerous works on British, Canadian, and West Indian uniforms were extremely helpful. For various military button patterns click here.S = Squared Ended Loops FB = "Flower pot" Bastion Loops JB = "Jew's Harp" Bastion Loops P = Pointed...
Free military heritage articles on military uniforms and equipment, artillery, the Napoleonic Wars, the Royal Navy, Seven Years War, military headdress, military flags, regimental histories, medals,... Also provided are reproductions spanning the period
Occupied New York: Extracts on the Uniforms, Arms, and Equipment of the British Army and Navy from Royalist Newspapers, 1776-1 783 Some of the regiments discussed include Great Britain's 42d, 64th, and 76th Foot.Zaboly, Gary Smilitary collector & historian... GS Zaboly - 《Military ...
Uniforms Crews working the horse services were issued with smart, single-breasted jackets with five buttons — of the standard Glasgow Corporation Tramways pattern (see link) — and lapels; a single button was also placed on the left-hand breast of the jacket, expressly for a municipal licence...
military history buffs could probably spend hours analysing each image. My personal favourites are the earlier photos that document the Middle Ages — when the uniforms had more heraldry and brighter colours. However, I really like that the series covers as wide a range of time as possible. The...
The British Army soldiers between 1760 and 1860 wore red uniforms and fought in the Wolfe’s war, the defeat at Quebec, the Wellington’s Peninsular War, the Waterloo conflict, the Kabul retreat, the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, the Georgian war, and also in the Victorian England ...
Sergueiew met her Abwehr boss, Emil Kliemann, in Berlin and began to learn espionage skills such as secret ink writing, ciphers, radio telegraphy and how to identify different Allied uniforms and equipment. She hinted to her German employers that they should send her to England. At the same ...
Another Olympic organizing committee spokesman said: "earlier this year, the Olympic Organizing Committee and the armed forces discussed the issue of military clothing, especially whether the soldiers should wear military uniforms in the Olympic Games." ...
In every branch of the service the uniforms of the officers were similar to those of the men. They wore sashes of considerable length and breadth. which served as a kind of slung stretcher for carrying the owner off the field in case he were wounded. The most striking feature of the off...
Like most European military uniforms, British army uniforms evolved in much the same ways. Originally, red was the standard color for the infantry and cavalry while dark blue was worn by the Royal Horse Guards and Royal Artillery. However by August of 1914, the bright, colorful uniforms were ...