Royal Armoured Corps Crewman Army Diver SapperTommy Atkins and other nicknamesFurther information: List of nicknames of British Army regimentsA long established nickname for a British soldier has been Tommy Atkins or Tommy for short. The origins are obscure but most probably derive from a specimen ...
David Mwangi Macharia, 68, bears the nickname “British” due to his light skin color. He said his mother had a relationship with a British soldier. He works as a night guard and part-time mason after dropping out of primary school due to being ridiculed and discriminated against. “(Keny...
The nickname possibly referenced Baillie-Stewart’s exaggeratedly aristocratic way of speaking, though Wolf Mittler, another English-speaking announcer, is sometimes considered a more likely candidate. When William Joyce later became the most prominent Nazi propaganda broadcaster, Barrington appended the titl...
we felt that our rescue was near and did not want to comply. Lord, in his very military manner, walked up to the guard and announced that we were not going to carry out his order. At that, the guard leveled
The 57th Regiment of Foot earned their nickname of “the Die Hards” after their participation in the hellish firefight between at Albuera. The commanding officer of the 57th Foot, Inglis, was struck down but refused to be carried to the rear for treatment. “He lay in front of his men...
In Dickens’s Great Expectations, Pip is given the nickname of Handel by in honour of his upbringing as a blacksmith, and in honour of this piece. 36. William Lloyd-Webber: Moon Silver William Lloyd Webber’s two-part song is about a magic boat: ‘I know of a lovely magic boat; on...
Chinese still has such compliment: "Your age is so old, the body is so healthy still. "Say English country is used to without similar expression. In their culture, people abstains from say age of the other side is old directly. Cannot interpret becomes: You Are Old But Still Look So ...
约翰牛;英国佬 – the nickname for Britain He is short and fat, with a bowler hat on his head and a pair of boots on his feet. John Bull 约翰牛 出自 16 世纪英国著名作家兼宫廷御医约翰?阿布斯诺特(John Arbuthnot,1667—1735)的政治讽刺作品。 阿布斯诺特在 1712 年写了一本讽刺小说,名叫《...
The 57th Regiment of Foot earned their nickname of “the Die Hards” after their participation in the hellish firefight between at Albuera. The commanding officer of the 57th Foot, Inglis, was struck down but refused to be carried to the rear for treatment. “He lay in front of his men...