限速方面北端贴近爱丁堡的部分路段限速较低,而约克(York, [YRK])以南可以跑达速200km/h。 R3 大西线(Great Western Railway, GWR) 起于伦敦帕丁顿(London Paddington, [PAD]),讫于彭赞斯(Penzance, [PNZ])。该线路为英国最重要的东西向线路之一,采用紫色标记。注意,广义的GWR均为紫色标记范围内,而狭义上来...
Southern Railway (SR) GWR is still in use today and operated under the FirstGroup franchise. Through a gradual period of nationalisation, much of the network was transformed into diesel and lines upgraded to incorporate electrification. This process saw the steam train completely replaced (by 1968...
This period of nationalisation saw massive changes in the railway network: steam traction was eliminated in favour of diesel and electric power, passengers replaced freight as the main source of business, and the network was severely rationalised. Contents...
QUICK SEARCH You can enter numbers, names, locations, classes etc. RAILWAY IMAGES UK from ANISTR.com- the online image archive of British trains and railways in the 20th century Featuring images of steam, diesel and electric motive power and railway infrastructure and people. We have a collec...
RAILWAY IMAGES UK from ANISTR.com- the online image archive of British trains and railways in the 20th century Featuring images of steam, diesel and electric motive power and railway infrastructure and people. We have a collection of many thousands of original negatives and slides depicting the ...
If you’re more experienced and looking for inspiration,Hornby Magazineprovides you with a great deal of stunning railway photography and all the latest updates. Every issue features some of the most impressive model railways from across the nation. Featuring accurate and awe-inspiring reconstructions...
Although it is still possible to travel on the Trans-Siberian railway, and take the Orient Express from Paris to Vienna, steam trains such as the Mallard or Flying Scotsman, have not travelled regularly for almost 30 years in many countries. Diesel powered locomotives or trains running on elec...
The British Rail Class 150 Sprinter is a class of diesel multiple-unit trains built by BREL York from 1984 to 1987. A total of 137 units were produced in three main subclasses, replacing many of the earlier, first-generation "Heritage" DMUs.Specifications...
Although it is still possible to travel on the Trans-Siberian railway, and take the Orient Express from Paris to Vienna, steam trains such as the Mallard or Flying Scotsman, have not travelled regularly for almost 30 years in many countries. Diesel powered locomotives or trains running on elec...
Locomotive & General Trust. The engine will be primarily used to haul Saphos Trains main line railtours as well as visiting heritage railways. The overhaul of the locomotive at Tyseley is anticipated to be completed by June 2024 after which it will be run in on the Severn Valley Railway. ...