《二次世界大战回忆录》(The Second World War)和许多振奋人心的演讲让他获得了1953年的诺贝尔奖。 Margaret Thatcher 撒切尔夫人 What Britain needs is an iron lady. 大不列颠需要铁娘子。 被称为“铁娘子”的撒切尔夫人是英国至今唯一...
And Atlantic ties appeared less important as Prime Ministers of the period looked increasingly towards Europe. 1979年,玛格丽特•撒切尔作为一名全心全意的大西洋主义者上台。 Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979 as a whole-hearted Atlanticist. 当罗纳德·里根在1981年成为美国总统时,这种特殊关系很快恢...
British, Pakistani prime ministers discuss terror, interfaith ties in London meeting
The Prime Minister is the political and administrative leader of the United Kingdom. During Queen Elizabeth II's 70-year reign, there were 15 Prime Ministers, some of whom served more than once. Click for PDF and Google Slides worksheets.
This omnibus edition of Dick Leonard's British Premiers trilogy, surveys the lives and careers of all the fifty-three Prime Ministers between Sir Robert Walpole (1721-42) and David Cameron (2010- ), bringing to life the political...Dick Leonard...
And when it comes to the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, it's no different. The period between the 18th century and 20th century has been particularly interesting — and turbulent. That's why we have created the ultimate list of British Prime Ministers since 1770 (and previous serving...
The viceroy, Lord Northbrook (governed 1872–76), resisting all such cabinet promptings to reverse Lawrence’s noninterventionist policy and to return to the militant posture of the First Anglo-Afghan War era (1839–42), resigned his office rather than accept orders from ministers whose diplomatic...
Although my personal Labour leaning opinions may differ slightly, I have chosen to make a list based on what I believe to be a ranking of the British leaders by accomplishments and how effective they were.
Winston Churchill, one of Britain’s most iconic Prime Ministers of the 20th century, had a well-documented love for alcohol, and cigars. Churchill’s drink of choice was Champagne, and his preferred brand was Pol Roger, infamously in a pint bottle size. ...
Most of them are appointed as ministers in charge of government departments. The role of the Prime Minister is traditionally described as “first among equals". The Cabinet has always been led by the Prime Minister. 总理是议会多数党的领导人。每次大选后,君主将任命获胜政党的领导人为首相,并组建新...