pound1 (paʊnd) v.t. 1.to strike repeatedly with great force, as with an instrument, the fist, heavy missiles, etc. 2.to produce or effect by or as if by striking or thumping (often fol. byout). 3.to force (a way) by battering; batter (often fol. bydown). ...
The British pound posted little reaction to the data and remained 0.4% higher versus the U.S. dollar at $1.6305 in recent action. The MPC surprised markets last week when it declined to announce an expansion of its 125 billion pound ($201.3 billion) asset-purchase program. The MPC, which...
In AmE one may say "a dollar fifty" or "a pound eighty" whereas in BrE these amounts would be expressed "one dollar fifty" and "one pound eighty". For amounts over a dollar, an American will generally either drop denominations or give both dollars and cents, as in "two-twenty" or...
The exchange rate value of the dollar versus the yen declined by 51% from 1985 to 1987. This devaluation was planned, done in an orderly, pre-announced manner and did not lead to financial panic in the world markets. The Plaza Accord was successful in reducing the U....
–British pound has been a terrible store of value – unlike gold –Pound collapsed 30% in 2016 and down 11.5% per annum versus gold in last 15 years –Fiat currency experiment may fail and dollar set to lose reserve currency status ...
He co-discovered billion-dollar Ekati Diamond Mine, 300 kilometres from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. He is President of Archon Minerals Ltd. In 2002, Blusson donated key start-up funds necessary for Quest University Canada in Squamish, British Columbia. In 2006, Blusson donated $...
One reason this is a good time to try to break into the UK and European markets is that the exchange rates favor U.S. exports. The dollar fell dramatically in 2007 against both the Pound and the Euro, making U.S. wines relatively less expensive. This will help, but it will still be...