Ocean linersPassenger shipsSocioeconomic factorsStewardessesWomen have always gone to sea but modern gender ideology severely restricted their employment opportunities. This article looks at British passenger liners, where they were increasingly employed from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. Despite the ...
hopelesslyoutdatedbyrapidGermanairshipadvancement. HMANo.9rreachedalengthof526ftwithadiameterof53ft,its frameworkconstructedoftriangular-sectionduralumingirders.Atthebase oftheframeaV-shapedkeelranthelengthoftheship,addingtotheoverall strengthofthevessel.Thecentreofthekeelopenedoutinatrapeziumform wheretheW/Tca...
TB 1-36 Cricket, Gadfly, Mayfly, TB 13 sub-classes (1905-1909) It is important to note here, these were not considered torpedo boats until October 1906, 1st class torpedo boats to be exact. But they had been designed and called as “coastal destroyers”. In late 1906, the serie was ...
doi:10.1080/21533369.2004.9668340SariUniversityMenpUniversityInformaworldJournal for Maritime Research