#大英博物馆商店(British Museum shop)# 大英博物馆光是大厅就很好逛了,有一些定期会更换的展品,还有休息、餐饮和礼品店。原本以为只是随便卖点微缩模型和明信片什么的,结果意外发现东西还满多而且精巧有设计感,如果要带手信的话,这里真是个不错的选择。 #Chubby Chady Drools Over the World# ...
Im Erdgeschoss können Sie außerdem Geschenke, Bücher und vieles mehr im Great Court Shop und im Collections Shop erwerben. Wo befindet sich das British Museum? The British Museum is in Bloomsbury, in central London. It’s a short walk from Covent Garden, Fitzrovia and Euston. Wie komm...
•An exhibition has opened featuring works of art acquired by the British Museum over the past two decades including works by David Hockney, Damien Hirst, Julian Opie, Yinka Shonibare and Cornelia Parker.Contemporary collecting: David Hockney to Cornelia Parkerfeatures around 100 works acquired since...
Make a day of it by stopping off at some of the cafes and restaurants at the British Museum, including afternoon tea at the Great Court Restaurant. You can also pick up gifts, books and more at the ground floor Great Court Shop and Collections Shop. Where is the British Museum? The...
这幅美妙的花卉画是由荷兰艺术家扬·梵·海以森 (Jan van Huysum)在1697-1749年间绘制的。在这个春天,你最期待哪种花绽放?🌸🌷🌻🌹🌼 欢迎到大英博物馆欧洲网店 www.britishmuseumshoponline.org,看看我们以扬·梵·海以森的花卉画设计的周边产品。🛍️...
皇家雪蘭莪(Royal Selangor)與大英博物館(British Museum)的合作產品借鑒了公共機構約800萬件的文物收藏。該館藏是現存規模最大,最全面之一,涵蓋了每個大洲,記錄了人類文化從開始到現在的故事。 大英博物館成立於1753年,是世界上第一個國家公共博物館。從一開始,它就是世界的博物館,為了全世界,這個想法仍然是當今博...
Welcome to the British Lawnmower Museum. Enter the fascinating world of this internationally famous Museum and have a unique experience. View some of our selected exhibits, see our services and look at our Museum Shop. Featuring the Lawnmower Museum DVD,
Other than a few small handicap/family toilets and a couple women's, all visitors are directed to the toilets in the lower level, under the museum shop. Be prepared to wait 15 minutes, minimum, as the queue of dozens of people winds up the stairs. Good luck if you have sm...
Available in the Museum shops and www.britishmuseum.org/shop Neil MacGregor on the story of the Swimming Reindeer, a carving dating back 13,000 years. Listen on the BBC iPlayer Shoreditch Selecting artefacts for the first part of 'A History of the World in 100 objects - Making Us Human...
You'll find a gift shop and four eateries on-site, including two quick-service cafes and casual pizzeria, as well as the more formal Great Court Restaurant. In addition, food trucks serve those opting to eat outside. The British Museum is accessible from the Tottenham Court Road, Holborn,...