These are: Johnny Beckles in Barbados, Jamie Montgomery in Scotland, CastleSlaves at Cape Coast Castle on the West African Gold Coast; and Harriet and BeverlyHemings in Virginia. This essay argues that while some sought escape from slavery andeven their race, others sought sanctuary within slave...
Broyld, Dann J
Black runawaysfugitive slavesAmerican taleshistorical lieshidden transcriptFannin' Flies and Tellin' Lies examines the many falsehoods told by slaveholders in the American South to prevent enslaved Blacks from running away to British Canada throughout the antebellum. Blacks were wrongly instructed on ...
The author discusses the problem of desertion during the Seven Years' War in Colonial North America. Between 1755 through 1762, over 2000 soldiers were listed in newspapers from Nova Scotia to Georgia as deserters with rewards offered for their return. The author offers an analysis of the ...