"We will have the strongest Military in History, and that begins by appointing new individuals to these Boards. "We must make the Military Academies GREAT AGAIN!" For context: The boards provide advice and recommendations to the president on matters ...
During the Second World War German officials and military forces used an innovative electro-mechanical device known as the Enigma machine to protect their top-secret radio traffic. Though the historical documents (held at the Public Record Office) remained classified until the 1970s, the story of ...
military history buffs could probably spend hours analysing each image. My personal favourites are the earlier photos that document the Middle Ages — when the uniforms had more heraldry and brighter colours. However, I really like that
The British Army of early times was a well funded, trained and equipped military force. Attired in sharp looking uniforms considered impracticable by today’s standards; the army had a history spanning over 350 years and was involved in numerous European, colonial conflicts and world wars. The ...
Throughout the interwar period and even later, ex-servicemen found surprising success as drag acts, sometimes relying on the juxtaposition between their masc, military garb and their high-femme alter-egos to draw in the public. It’s a complicated legacy, but one which shows that British drag...
have cleared the original sites of many Canadian cities. They opened up the country, built roads and dug canals. The King's Highway from Montreal to Toronto, the old military pack road through the Restigouche, and the Cariboo Trail through British Columbia are but a few examples of their ...
Some of her most iconic pieces, often with a military-inspired flair, have been custom-designed by Alexander McQueen. Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton wears a white lace wedding gown designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen in April 2011 (Credit: Anwar Hussein / WENN) ...
Outside a small number of men who fought in the French and Indian War, they had limited battle experience, supplies and powder was in demand, and most had only a basic understanding of military maneuvers through local militias. Their clothing was homespun and weapons consisted of hunting ...
[144]In England certainmilitaryuniformssuch as theBeefeateror theQueen's Guardare considered to be symbolic of Englishness, though they are not official national costumes.Morris dancersor the costumes for the traditional EnglishMay danceare sometimes cited as examples of traditional English costume, ...
Sadly I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it feels like there are now a few people around who want to be seen to do ANZAC Day better than average. I don’t just mean people who’ve seen exactly as much military service as me (i.e. precisely zero) wanting to be part of a ...