Sea of Sand, directed by Guy Green, is a tense and thrilling fusion of British cinema and war themes, following the dangerous mission of a group of Long Range Desert Group soldiers tasked with attacking a German fuel depot in North Africa during World War II. With its gripping na...
This article examines how and why formations such as the Long Range Desert Group, Special Air Service, or Popski's Private Army arose and developed; charting the nature of their operations; addressing the complicated manner of their command and control; and assessing their impact and value. In ...
Desert Driver: Ralph Alger Bagnold Was the Founder and First Commander of the Long Range Desert Group, a British Army Unit That Worked Far Behind Enemy Lines in the Allied Desert Campaign during the Second World War. but He's Perhaps Best Known as a Pioneer of the Use of Vehicles in ...
The area, 132,559 square miles (343,328 square km), consisted of two geographic divisions: the area northwest of the Aravalli Range, this being mostly sandy and unproductive and including part of the Great Indian (Thar) Desert; and the area southeast of the range, which is generally ...
At the time of its release in 1962, David Lean’s desert epic dwarfed the oppostition both in length (228 minutes) and breadth. But what is it about this particular film that springs mostly to mind when composing, from memory alone, one’s favourite list of British movies? There’s the...
This select group of nations within the empire, with substantial European populations and long experience of British forms and practices, was often referred to as the British Commonwealth. The demands and stresses of World War I and its aftermath led to a more formal recognition of the special ...
(so thought the executives) it went a long way to establishing the popular perceptions of each of the group, with Lennon as the smartass, McCartney the sensible one, Harrison quiet and Starr a clown. Aside from the obvious comic elements, much of it was true to their lives at the time...
Reeves is also the host and creator of the long-running panel game show/comedy, "Shooting Stars," premiering in 1993. Unlike a lot of comedians, Reeves has managed to branch out into other areas with relative success. He has released music and had a single reach number one on the UK ...
which she hosts with 28-year-old videographerFlorence Bark. Having met on a porn set in London in 2014, the pair hit it off instantly and moved in together, launching their hub for educational videos – which range from tips on creating a winning Tinder profile to mastering the “basics”...
Raids, road watches, and reconnaisance : an analysis of the New Zealand contribution to the Long Range Desert Group in North Africa, 1940-1943 : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Ar... II, 1981. Hinsley, British Intelligence in the ...