The imperial race and the immigration sieve: The Canadian debate on assisted British migration and empire settlement, 1900–30During the 1920s assisted migration from Britain sparked a complex and often bitter debate in Canada. It had long been held that migrants who required assistance were highly...
W.,‘The Asiatic menace: creating segregation in Durban, 1870–1900’, IJAHS 16 (1983) 401–21; Google Scholar Thompson L. M.,‘Indian Immigration into Natal, 1860–72 (AYB 1952). Google Scholar 6.8 The Cape, Natal, and the debate about liberalism Bank A. (Ph.D. thesis, ...
Box 268, 5217-55 A St., Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P1 Phone: 780-594-5881 FAX: 780-594-2120 E-Mail: WWW: Chris Miller, Editor Community Digest Race relations, immigration, diversity and cultural integration. Publisher: N. Ebrahim Owner: ...
Philanthropic, benevolent and religious organizations were convinced that social and economic problems would be managed by removing the children, as Susan Elizabeth Brazeau explains in“They Were But Children: The Immigration of British Home Children to Canada”(p. 1): The intention of the child mig...
SWISS IMMIGRATION 1820 TO 1930 Between 1798 and 1850, about 100,000 Swiss went abroad (the proportions between temporary and permanent migrations cannot be determined) and some 50,000 foreigners located in Switzerland. Between 1850 and 1914 those leaving the Confederation numbered about 410,000, tho...
The policy best calculated to help Britain overcome the crisis is one which would welcome appropriate grades of immigrants from the continent of Europe. A high rate of immigration makes up for a low degree of internal mobility. The argument that these new- comers would be a strain on the ...
[121] British immigration to the Cape Colony began to rise after 1820, and pushed thousands of Boers, resentful of British rule, northwards to found their own—mostly short-lived—independent republics, during the Great Trek of the late 1830s and early 1840s.[122] In the process the ...
In fact Texas had nearly no Anglophone settlers until after Mexican independence in 1821, when the new nation encouraged the immigration of Americans to help populate the sparsely settled province. Nor does the immolation of a batch of biscuits account for their new name. It was indeed Josiah Be...
(ImmigrationhasbeenakeyfactorinboostingtheUK’spopulation) UnevenpopulationdistributionintheUK: urban:90%;rural:10% English(81.5%);theScottish(9.6%);theWelsh(1.9%);theIrish(2.4%);theNorthern Irish(1.8%);otherpeoples(2.8%) OriginsofBritishPeople (ThehistoryoftheU.K.isahistoryofinvasions.) ...
In the following pages the various sections of the British Empire outside Gt. Britain and Northern Ireland are arranged in alphabetical order under the divisions of the world to which they belong :—1. Europe; 2. Asia; 3. Africa; 4. America; 5. Australas