We are the British Heart Foundation (BHF), the largest independent funder of cardiovascular research. We fund research into life saving cures to beat heart disease, stroke and vascular dementia, and stop conditions like diabetes from causing them, to hel
The article reviews several Web-based media, including the Yoobot Web site from the British Heart Foundation, the Know the Signs advertising campaign from Heineken and the Be Frisky Not Risky Web site from Marie Stopes International.WINNTORI...
DOI: 10.1080/03073289.1963.10799586 pages 23-24 Publishing models and article dates explained Published online: 31 Jan 2014Alert me TOC email alert TOC RSS feed Citation email alert Citation RSS feedDownload full text Related articlesView all related articles Add to shortlist Link Permalink htt...
This news article does not contain any original data. 这篇新闻文章不包含任何原始数据。 Conflict of interest:Metin Avkiran is Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation. 利益冲突:Metin Avkiran是英国心脏基金会的副...
英国心脏基金会(British Heart Foundation,BHF)发布一则新年信息:没有经过专门训练的人,如遇生人心脏病发倒地需急救时,最好避免俗称“生命之吻”的口对口人工呼吸(CPR)法;他们应该用胸外按压法帮助患者心脏复苏。O网页链接 û收藏 14 2 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 ...
British Heart Foundation--Marketing McBride, Betty--Aims and objectivesArticle excerpt If Betty McBride does not discover the perfect anti-smoking campaign from the British Heart Foundation's latest advertising pitch, she can always ask her children for help. McBride, the marketer behind the charity...
The campaign highlights the research done by the British Heart Foundation through a boy’s show and tell presentation to his year 6 class. He explains the importance of donating money to the BHF in helping researchers find cures to stroke, heart disease
British Heart Foundation Northern Ireland (BHF NI) has pledged its commitment to improving road safety by signing up to the ‘Share the Road to Zero’ campaign. The Department for Infrastructure’s ‘Share the Road to Zero’ aims to reduce road deaths by encouraging ...
North Kingdom近期又出佳作与大家分享——由英国伦敦知名广告代理商Glue Isobar委托North Kingdom为英国公益组织British Heart Foundation主办的一个慈善公益活动制作互动宣传网站。 网站以互动体验的形式,向用户讲述了关于斑马鱼超能力的故事。可爱的斑马鱼生来就拥有肌体自我恢复和再生的超能力,一旦身体或器官遭受到任何伤害...
About British Heart Foundation The British Heart Foundation focuses on cardiovascular health and research within the healthcare and charity sectors. The organization raises funds for research into heart and circulatory diseases, provides information and support for affected individuals, and advocates for imp...