I had on ce more put up my feet triumphantly, and was gi garran n my wraps as the tr ia n m oved slowly o n , when I perceived a carpet b ag in the rack over the O pposite seat. My n ature is not malicious, an d though still smartin g from my recen t wrongs , I ...
And in a blur, before I knew it, we were all swept up into another room where a guest had found a guitar and was leading the rest of the bar in a 2-hour sing-along. Two young homeless looking 20-year-olds who were on the C2C sat down at the piano and pecked out songs from a...
"Need top up credit" Nov 20, 2024 Am satisfied with the customer service representative who sorted me out with a code to get a replacement card for my gas meter !!! !!! !!! Thanks British... Read full review Critical Review "No Response, I have tried reaching British Gas thi...