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Plus we’re always working on new ways to make our app handier and easier to use. **Requires a Trio II Smart Energy Monitor *Your annual services may be more than 12 months apart What’s New 2 Apr 2024 Version 2.35.0 * We are continuing our quest to make our app more stable and ...
Even if people caved to this arrogant government coercion, Britain does not have the spare electricity to charge hundreds of thousands of new EVs. A home EV fast charger uses around 10Kw. Half a million EVs plugged in at home around dinner time would draw 10Kw x 500,000 = 5,000,000 Kw...
Crews working the horse services were issued with smart, single-breasted jackets with five buttons — of the standard Glasgow Corporation Tramways pattern (see link) — and lapels; a single button was also placed on the left-hand breast of the jacket, expressly for a municipal licence badge,...
Finally, a spherical sail maximizes cross-section to interstellar dust & gas. Compare to a shallow cone, rotated to go edge-on to the direction of travel. The spherical sail must undergo topology change to reveal the payload, and then reconfigure to become an antenna for return of data....
Bugger- This is another fairly unique word with no real American equivalent. Like bloody it has many uses apart from the obvious dictionary one pertaining to rather unusual sexual habits. My father was always shouting "bugger" when he was working in the garage or garden. Usually when he hit...
In Hawes, I set up camp at a small working farm campsite and dipped into town for dinner. On my way back, I discovered another backpacker, clearly exhausted, standing awkwardly at the driveway into the farm. He was another American, the first I had encountered on the trail this trip. ...
Over the years I’d be aware, like any good white progressive, that things were not as they seemed. I remember one day noticing a building site on campus, with 20 or so men of all colors working on the scaffolding. When the whistle blew for lunch, they all climbed down and sat along...
And to make a breech-loader he must have invented a gas-tight breech. The record is not clear but he must have made a few prototypes which were sent to Paris as samples. Perhaps they were trying to sell the design to the French War Department. These prototypes ended up at the Battle ...
British Gas has 760 reviews (average rating 2.1). Consumers say: Raise a dispute, Mission impossible