Alastair Stevenson
A French woman has been mocked on social media after losing more than €830,000 (£700,000) to scammers posing as the Hollywood actor Brad Pitt. The 53-year-old interior designer, known only as Anne, thought she was in a year-long romantic relationship with the Fight Club and Ocean'...
The premium rate dialler programme is a scam affecting dial-up Internet users and it works in the same way as spyware or trojans. The programme is downloaded without the users consent or knowledge and changes the way the computer connects to the Internet, resulting in a very large phone bill...
Congratulations on your appointment with Quadriph oil and gas UK. The next process is for you to acquire your traveling documents and to make it easy for you we have directed you to a contact at the embassy (Mr. James Collins). Contact him on as soon as...