In addition, the technology will reduce disconnection and reconnection costs, and eliminate the need for suppliers to read customer meters.EBSCO_bspMarketwatch Energy
British Gas's app allows customers to do all the normal things associated with having an energy account, like submitting meter readings, paying bills and tracking energy usage. However, because the boiler side of its business is so important, it also allows customers to book engineer appointments...
The article reports that British Gas PLC has launched the smart meter trial in an attempt to change consumers' electricity consumption habits in Great Britain. Residents will use hand-held devices to measure energy consumption. T...
The petition quoted an anonymised British Gas customer describing the difficulties of the new policy: “I use a pre-pay meter because I can’t afford a direct debit. £5 may not sound a lot, but when you’re scraping together coppers just to make up the money, it can be the differen...
Centrica, the owner of British Gas, said in a statement that "all warrant activity" had been suspended and that protecting vulnerable customers is an "absolute priority". Warrant activity involves the company applying to the court for a warrant to install a prepayment m...
British Gas is the largest UK energy and home services company. We supply gas and electricity, boilers and boiler cover as well as other home services.
British Gas is the largest UK energy and home services company. We supply gas and electricity, boilers and boiler cover as well as other home services.
British Gas is the largest UK energy and home services company. We supply gas and electricity, boilers and boiler cover as well as other home services.
Landis+Gyr Partners with British Gas to deliver UK's first major smart meter deployment smart grid realisation, has announced it has been selected by the UK's largest energy supplier, British Gas (parent company Centrica [LSE:CNA]) to support the UK's first commercial-scale smart meter ...
After signing up for a new connection, British Gas engineers will visit your premises and install your gas and electricity infrastructure and free energy meters. If you have old equipments, the same will also be upgraded. You get the cutting-edge smart meters that automatically send meter ...