The entry describes the foundation of the British Empire in South Asia by the East India Company. It shows how, induced by the character of the state, there emerged a distinct set of institutions, an Indo-European society, and new spheres of commercial and intellectual exchange in the 19th ...
British Empire, a worldwide system of dependencies—colonies, protectorates, and other territories—that over a span of some three centuries was brought under the sovereignty of the crown of Great Britain and the administration of the British government.
In 1600, the establishment of the British East India Company marked the beginning of the expansion of the British Empire in Asia. The British East India Company had been operating in India since the early 17th century, butthe Indian troops started an uprisingin 1857, whicheventually led to the...
Over the following century, the BritishEast India Companyestablished additional trading posts and also gradually increased its economic and political influence throughout the subcontinent. After the death of EmperorAurangzebin 1707, the Mughal empire entered a rapid phase of decline, providing an opening...
In this lesson, we will learn about the British East India Company, which provided the British people with a wide variety of amazing new products from Asia. Using the profits from trade, the company eventually helped to create the massive British empire. The Great Lemonade Stand Have you eve...
Showcasing tea’s place in British history allowed the Met to address a subject “we hadn’t addressed before,” said Wolf Burchard, who was the lead curator for the new galleries. That was the expansion of the British Empire, and it seemed an especially timely topic as Britain pressed ahe...
The acquisition of territories continued through the 17th and 18th centuries, with the British East India Company playing a significant role in establishing trade and control in India。 The 19th century marked the height of the British Empire's power and influence. The Industrial Revolution in ...
EastIndiaCompany EastIndiaCompanyactivitylimitedtocoastaltradingcitieswhentheMughalEmpirewasstrong.Inthemid-1700s,theMughalEmpirebrokeapart.EastIndiaCompanyleaderssawchancetotakeoverIndianlands.KeepingIndiainChaos ManipulatedrulersofIndianstates.SuggestedeachneededBritishsupporttokeepthrone.Playedrulersagainsteachother.Chao...
(India)•Firstestablishedasatradingcolonyin1757bytheBritishEastIndiaCompany •TheEastIndiaCompanygainedfullcontrolby1857 •In1857IndiabecamepartoftheBritishEmpire •IndiawasruledbyappointedRaj’s(orlocalkings)•IndiawasveryimportanttoBritainformanyreasonsincluding:naturalresources,people,andgloballocation ...
How many people did the East India Company kill? How many ships did the Dutch East India Company have? How large was the British Empire under George II? How many years did Britain rule India? How many British died in the Indian Mutiny?