(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the anniversary of Queen Victoria's birth, May 24, celebrated (now on the second Monday in March) as a holiday in many parts of the Commonwealth. Former name: Empire Day Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCol...
Letter from the British Embassy in Prague to the Northern Department of the Foreign Office in London, May 1964, TNA/FO 371/177493. 52. Gair,The Beat Generation, 142 f. 53. “Polish youth accuse ministries of ‘fixing’ audience,”New Musical Express, On sale Friday, week ending April 22...
When Paris fell to the Nazis, on 14 July 1940, the British embassy ordered the evac- uation of all its citizens, and British Quakers were obliged to leave the country. From then on, they worked under the auspices of the International Commission. When the International Commission withdrew ...