If the British declaration of war on Germany in 1939 was proof of the United Kingdom's strategic interest in the European continent, a superficial glance at the three British treaties that punctuated Western Europe's early post-war period — the Dunkirk, Brussels and Washington treaties of 1947...
International History ReviewMelancon, G. (1999), "Honour in Opium? The British Declaration of War on China, 1839-1840." The International History Review 21, no. 4: 855-874.Melancon, Glen (1999). "Honour in Opium? The British Declaration of War on China, 1839-1840." The International ...
We have learned the hard, bitter truth and we believe that the only solution to this threat of another world war to be the following documents and policies which we unanimously advocate and support. 1. The manifesto the peoples of the world adopted by the second World Peace Congress in ...
A Document by British War Propaganda Bureau TitleDocument typePublication dateSubject(s)Description Authors' Declaration of September 1914manifestoSeptember 1914WW1An declaration in support ofWorld War 1by 53 leading British authors. One of the earliest efforts of the nascentWar Propaganda Bureauto craft...
What advantages and disadvantages did the British have during the War of Independence?British EmpireThe British Empire, at its peak, was the largest empire ever in terms of land. At one point, Britain had control of what is now the Eastern United States, Canada, Austral...
337K The American Revolution affected the historical course of North America, Great Britain, and Western Civilization. This lesson explores the war's impact on western society, from the outbreak of war to the Treaty of Paris. Related to this QuestionHow...
of government put into effectwith the nameofmonarch, andtheenforcementunder the command and supervision ofmonarch, such as the contract, declaration of war and appointment of prime minister.Althoughthemonarchmonopolizesthe main authority and is in the supreme position in law, in reality, themonarch...
activitiesintheinterestsofthecourt❖KingCharlesIdissolvedParliamentin1629,and ruledthecountrywithoutitforelevenyears.❖ThevariousclassesinEnglandsoonsplitupintotwocamps:▪Parliament:merchants,artisansandapprentices,peasants ▪King:gentry,biglandlordsandmonopolists 2.2TheCivilWar ❖Thecivilwarbrokeout(1642—...
Africa The German Empire seized most of the strategic naval stations of the British Empire, allegedly to prevent a world crisis, but it soon became clear as most of the Empire plunged into rebellion and civil war that the British could not ensure order and the German presence became a permane...
What Native American tribes supported Britain during the Revolutionary War? What African countries resisted European imperialism? What parts of Australia were affected by the Black Death? What was one argument against 19th-century American imperialism? What is left of the British Empire? What two ...