The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We’ve been teaching English for more than 75 years and have helped over 100 million people around the world learn English and improve their language skills. We are global ex...
All the British Council Free Online Courses are in English, and over a million people took advantage of this opportunity from their homes. Free courses do not charge a single dollar, and there isn’t any restriction for short courses. All the British Council courses are free, with an optiona...
British Council has introduced a free online course, Teaching For Success, for teachers to grow professionally. Explore the course details besides what you will learn.
My experience with British Council English online courses has been very positive. I enjoyed the opportunity to interact with people from around the world, and all the teachers demonstrated excellent teaching methodologies. They consistently motivated us to improve our speaking skills.In my opinion, som...
This offer can be redeemed online. Redeem Now View all offers Details Offer details: Get 10% off on English online courses at British Council, only with your Visa card Redemption details: Simply pay using your Visa card on the offer landing page (
British CouncilandThe University of SheffieldviaFutureLearn 112 Add to list Mark complete Write review This course may be unavailable. Go to class FutureLearnHelp Free Online Course (Audit) English Paid Certificate Available 4 weeks, 3 hours a week ...
As a registered British Council English adult student, you can book and manage your English lessons and complete your online exercises any time, anywhere with t…
Their Online test crashed multiple times, and their customer service was slow and unhelpful.Due to British Council’s incompetence I wasn’t able to take the test before my academic deadline (had to wait over a month, and I have still not got any decent help). Date of experience: ...
Take the opportunity to develop your language skills and register for our courses - remotely - wherever you are and at any time, and get an international certificate from Birmingham College - Britain - certified by the British Council. The BLC Institute (a partner of Birmingham College - Britain...
TRAFFIC RANK FOR LEARNENGLISH.BRITISHCOUNCIL.ORG Date Range 1 week 1 month 3 months This Year Last Year All time TODAY'S RATING >1,000,000 TRAFFIC RANK - AVERAGE PER MONTH Date Range All Time This Year Last Year BEST MONTH September AVERAGE PER DAY Of THE WEEK Date Range All Time...