Using film to document the destruction of an ancient way of life Accessibility sometimes means everything More from the British Council Learn English Teaching English IELTS English Online Study UK Corporate English Solutions Global Exams Services UK Agents & Counsellors hub...
The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We’ve been teaching English for more than 75 years and have helped over 100 million people around the world learn English and improve their language skills. We are global ex...
Free online courses by British Council are proven as good resources for skill development. Furthermore, individuals do not need to travel or commute; they can learn from the comfort of their homes and study according to their time availability. Skills acquired through these courses are highly dema...
British Council has introduced a free online course, Teaching For Success, for teachers to grow professionally. Explore the course details besides what you will learn.
"Learn English with the British Council and Premier League" This Week: Talking about PE (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
"Learn English with the British Council and Premier League" This Week: A bittersweet victory (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Junior Explorer 6, unit 2 Nauczyciel35 pojęć steps plus 6 unit 2 SPORT Nauczyciel28 pojęć środki płatności/okazje i oferty 29 pojęć Słownictwo - UNIT 11 (part 3/4) 93 pojęć Tajemnicza wyspa i róg Amona ...
网址: 。Lisa老师个人很喜欢哦!经常会在这里找到一些教学资源,课堂活动更加丰富多彩。我们从下图可见,这个网站分成六大版块: 一、Listen and watch:包含一些小故事文本、练习及视频、歌曲等。 二、...
LearnEnglish - British Council LearnEnglish - British Council 发布于 2019-03-17 12:20 英语学习 英语 学习方法 赞同2添加评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧 推荐阅读 【推荐】一套你肯定能坚持学下去的英语学习资源 听学英语吧 国外...
LearnEnglish Kids is the British Council's website forchildren around the world who are learning English as asecond or foreign language. This site has free resources(资源) for children to use both in class and at home, either bythemselves or with their family members or friends. Youcan also...