Harry Enfield's Television Programme offers a satirical take on British culture through the eyes of various characters portrayed by the talented comedian himself. With prominent figures such as the iconic duo of Smashie and Nicey, played by Enfield and Paul Whitehouse, viewers are treated to an ...
“The Office” is a British comedy in thestyle of a mockumentary.The boss of the office is played by famous comedianRicky Gervais, who believes he’s well-liked and entertaining in the office—but not everyone shares his opinions. Inclassic British comedy style, it plays a lot on themes o...
Many know comedian James Corden as the host of “The Late Late Show” and his viral carpool karaoke videos, but to many Brits, he’s the lovable character “Smithy” and writer of the widely popular comedy series “Gavin and Stacey.” This charming British sitcom revolves around the endearin...
A trailblazer in the world of female comedy, Victoria Wood was an acclaimed writer, actress, and comedian. Best known for her sketch show Victoria Wood As Seen On TV and her sitcom Dinnerladies, Wood's unique brand of humor has left a lasting influence on the comedy world. Birthplace: Pr...
InNot Going Out,British comedian Lee Mack plays a fictionalized version of himself. True to the title, the main character is a slacker and lodger who is happy to spend his days drinking and watching TV in a London apartment owned by his best friend. Apart from beer, picking up women is...
It’sNotting Hillbut not as you know it. Created by and starring New Zealand comedian Rose Matafeo and filmed in London,Starstruckleans into the mess of liking someone new, especially when one of you is a movie star. A light, fun, six-episode series, Starstruck is a millennial rom-com...
Who else should I see?Ellie Goulding,Paloma Faith,Tom Jones, acerbic stand-up comedian Frankie Boyle The crowd?Festival first-timers, nitrous oxide-inhaling day trippers and glamorous faux hippies wearing flower crowns Where should I stay?Embrace the posh boho vibe by hiring a two-person Gypsy ...
Comedian/commentator John Oliver did a segment on his show a few months ago on the strange fauna that is “Florida Man.” Here are a few headlines from a recent piece in Esquire on ‘The 90 Wildest Florida Man Headlines of 2019 (So Far)’: Florida Man Denies Syringes Found in Rectum ...
@Kay_Rawlins: RT @HenrietteChacar: Once again, John Oliver — a comedian — does a better job providing context than seasoned journalists: - 4 years ago @drpaulitious: RT @RositaBoland: “The greatest wife-drowning journalist of his era”. Please read this - 4 years ago @CurlyClareToo:...
He is also a comedian and after dinner speaker, having worked on radio, TV and theatre. He's married with five children and an increasing number of grandchildren. www.kenmccoy.co.uk Pat McIntosh, having done libraries, academic research, receptionist work, Open University teaching, and chaired...