Okay, I know the usual caveats of holding coin in hand and quality of photos, blah, blah, blah. HOWEVER (and I know I may be biased but have NO axe to grind), I wonder what readers think of at least three of the coins on sale: - the two specimens of 1839
Well, I never expected to reach this milestone, and I certainly did not foresee what would happen in the years after I started upBritish Food: a History. In fact, I only set it up because my other blog –Neil Cooks Grigson– a blog created only to help me practise my writing skills ...
They arrived at the Bank (or money changer) just before it closed and had a noisy argument with the owner before he would release the gold which was in the form of heavy coins. Jan and Pierre left the Bank by a small back door and returned quickly to the shop. Jan thankfully locked...
A set of Akaki's Picnic Basket puzzles, 3D printed for me by Brett - Thanks! Barrel Cooper's Puzzle Box - by Joseph Kovell Purchased from PuzzleMaster.ca. Free the Five - by PuzzledByPiker Free five "coins" in total from the three related objects. ...