"coat-of -arms" & mottoes-- 个人专用标志和座右铭中,前项"coat-of -arms" 正确的翻译应当是“纹章”。而纹章是专属于某个个人,家族或团体的识别物。(图六)虔诚英国金匠公司(WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF GOLDSMITHS)纹章 虔诚金匠公司(Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths),也称金匠公司(The Goldsmiths Company)始...
British Columbia Coat of Arms 接待厅另一边的大堂正中,挂着这个盾徽(coat of arms).所谓盾徽又称盾形纹章、袍徽,是一种特有的纹章设计,通常出现在纹章盾、外套或战袍上。中世纪的骑士使用它来辨认其身份。现在仍用来作为识别个人、军队、教会、社会团体等组织世袭或继承性标记。 那么这个看起来华丽又复杂的卑诗省...
"coat-of -arms" & mottoes-- 个人专用标志和座右铭中,前项"coat-of -arms" 正确的翻译应当是“纹章”。而纹章是专属于某个个人,家族或团体的识别物。 (图六)虔诚英国金匠公司(WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF GOLDSMITHS)纹章 虔诚金匠公司(Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths),也称金匠公司(The Goldsmiths Company)始于中世...
A. A picture of the British coat of arms. B. A picture of the queen´s palace. C. A picture of Rowland Hill. D. A picture of Queen Victoria.2 E. In 1840. F. In 1820. G. In 1804. . In 1890.3 . The British government. . The individual post offices. . Either the sender...
Family Crests (Coat of Arms),sample Add to wishlist Quick view RM-170 Family Crests (Coat of Arms),sample Add to wishlist Quick view RM-171 Family Crests (Coat of Arms),sample Add to wishlist Quick view RM-172 Family Crests (Coat of Arms),sample ...
7.2 纹章 | Coat of arms Main article: Coat of arms of the BBC【主条目:BBC的纹章】 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议 图片题注:assets from sodacan, Heralder, and IndysNotHere.参考译文:来自sodacan、Heralder和IndysNotHere的资源。图片作者:Ben1we Adopted【启用于】 1927 Crest【纹章冠】 On a Wreat...
derive from French, since they were adopted following the Norman Conquest of Britain in 1066. Even the motto on the British royal coat of arms is in French:Dieu et mon droit(“God and my right”), as is the motto of the famous knightly Order of the Garter:Honi soit qui mal y pense...
Coat of arms A very good coat. Spring is essential. And it's very fashionable. But it's not too exaggerated or artificial. It's very well done. The army is green, low-key and thin. {page_break} Japanese broken flowers Japanese broken flowers OP ...
while class 1 also has the royal coat of arms. naval officers begin with officer cadet at the britannia royal naval college before formal training begins, then ascend to the rank of midshipmen for the remainder of their time at the college. thei...
University of British Columbia Coat of Arms of the University of British Columbia 校训 Tuum est (拉丁语) "It Is Yours" / "It is up to you" 建立于 1906 McGill University College of British Columbia, absorbed into University of British Columbia (1915) 类型 Public 捐赠 $616 million (FY 2009...