Where was the last battle of the American Revolution fought? What were the casualties of the Battle of Yorktown? What was the Battle of Yorktown like? What was the Battle of Yorktown? How were the British defeated at the Battle of Yorktown? Who fought in the Battle of Saratoga? Who...
The Guard’s casualties were very light with one officer wounded. Captain John Finch of the light infantry later died of his wounds in Amboy on June 29th. After what became known as the Battle of Short Hills, the Guards embarked aboard ship with General Howe and the bulk of his force on...
How many battles were in the Texas Revolution? How many people fought in the Battle of Hastings? How many British casualties were in the Boer War? How many American soldiers died in the Battle of Princeton? How many British soldiers died in the Anglo-Boer War? How many Scottish soldiers we...
As far as battles fought during the American Revolutionary War, the Battle of Harlem Heights was considered a smallish affair. As far as victor, most historians consider the contest a draw based on the number of casualties and because all parties returned to their former lines. However, its ...
The British Revolution - also known as the British Civil War and the Great Catastrophe - was a period of political upheaval, violent disorder, armed conflict and civil war in the United Kingdom beginning in 1924. The period saw Britain undergo radical po
Recent British military performances in Iraq and Afghanistan have been widely seen as - at best - disappointing: under British control, Basra degenerated into a lawless city while Helmand province has witnessed heavy civilian and military casualties. This book examines how British involvement in both...
America. There they encountered two British armoured cruisers, a light cruiser and an auxiliary cruiser. After a bitter late-day clash, two British vessels were destroyed with the loss of 1,600 sailors. Another Royal Navy cruiser was damaged. Spee’s squadr...
tackle, floating supplies and troops down rivers, and carving Braddock Road, much of which is still used today. Just as the army was closing in on the French fort, they were ambushed at the Monongahela. The naval detachment stood in the van of the army and took heavy casualties in the ...
What were the casualties of the Battle of Verdun? What was the tragedy of the Battle of Verdun? Why was the Battle of Verdun important in WW1? What caused the Battle of Verdun? How did the Battle of Passchendaele end? Were there American soldiers in the Battle of Verdun?
and the French and Indian War (the Seven Years' War), all defined by the common customs of engagement which involved lines of infantry facing each other at a distance and exchanging volleys of fire (which was organized such that it actually limited casualties compared to combat in the earlier...