The ancestors of Strike: Saracen and Ferret in Aden, 1967. Though these vehicles could have performed a Strike-type role against peer adversaries, they were flexible enough to be used in other roles, e.g. counter-insurgency. Today, Strike Brigades will offer equal adaptability, but with platfo...
Alwaziri Sayyid family,Arab Cold War,Arab League,Arab-Israeli conflict,British Aden Protectorate,Egypt,Hamid al-Din Royal family,Imam Md al-Badr,Iraq-Kuwait crisis 1961,Khartoum Agreement 1967,King Faisal (Saud family),Middle East politics,Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen,North Yemen Civil War 1962...
Transport aircraft were widely used in campaigns all over Asia to convey vast quantities of food, ammunition, and even vehicles and guns. Isolated bodies of troops in difficult terrain were supplied for protracted periods entirely by parachute. It was mainly by means of the airlift that the ...