The show's strength lies in its clever writing that combines satire and wordplay to create a unique comedic experience, while exploring themes such as social hierarchy and political intrigue. With an impressive cast featuring Rowan Atkinson as the eponymous character and Tony Robinson as Baldrick, ...
He also spoke of the need for the army to have a strength of 120,000 personnel, comprising regular soldiers, reservists, and strategic reserves (previously trained, predominantly ex-regular service personnel held at low readiness). A UK Ministry of Defence spokesperson told Janes on 25 January ...
98. Oh! What A Lovely War (1969) Directed by:Richard Attenborough Starring:Dirk Bogarde, John Mills, Vanessa Redgrave, Michael Redgrave, Maggie Smith, Laurence Olivier, Paul Shelley Starring enough Redgraves to populate a small island,Richard Attenborough's Great War musical flaunts one of the ...
(1941-1943) Medium Armored Car – Unknown Number in Allied Service The Autoblinda AB41 was an Italian medium reconnaissance armored car used during the whole duration of the North African campaign, mainly deployed by the Italian Regio Esercito (English: Royal Army) and by the Polizia dell’...
mir jafar was installed as a ruler subservient to the british. the battle made the british realise that they have the strength to overcome smaller indian kingdoms by setting them against each other. the battle of plassey would mark the beginning of the british imperialism in the subcontinent. [...
I’m really happy with how the army has turned out. Each tank is unique, though I think my favourite part is seeing them all together as a force. I went through some frustrating stages due to how long everything took, but that’s all in the past now and I’m left with an army ...
The better classes of Mohammedans are a source of strength to us and not of weakness. They constitute a comparatively small but an energetic minority of the population whose political interests are identical with ours.” By 1906, when a deputation of Muslims headed by the Aga Khan first ...
Some 30% of UK forces on high readiness are reservists who are unable to mobilise within NATO timelines - "so we'd turn up under strength" The majority of the army's fleet of armoured vehicles, including tanks, was built between 30 to 60 years ago and full replacements ...
Beckham. She was a member of the Spice Girls, one of the biggest pop girl groups in the world, at the time they began dating.Beckhamis a well-made docuseries that manages to include humor and heart, while delivering an inspiring story about overcoming obstacles and possessing strength of ...
United Kingdom (1942-1943) Semi-Amphibious Cargo Vehicle – 3 Prototypes Built The Hexonaut’s story began between 1942 and 1943. Operating in Burma (now Myanmar) during the Second World War, the British ‘Forgotten Army’ – the 14th Army – had as much of an enemy in the harsh ...