Indian princes volunteered their men, money, and personal service, while leaders of the Congress Party—from Tilak, who had just been released from Mandalay and had wired the king-emperor vowing his patriotic support, to Gandhi, who toured Indian villages urging peasants to join the British army...
India British India, already plagued by revolts for over five years, completely collapsed into a Free Indian Republic in the north, proclaimed in Calcutta, a Indian-alignedRepublic of Burma,proclaimed in Rangoon, and the remnants of the British administration in Southern India, consisting of the ...
There was a story going around in the New Year that the peasants whose houses the prisoners occupied had been promised them back before planting season; and for once events seemed to bear out the rumour. At the start of February the journalists and diplomats were transferred to a house in a...
Indian princes volunteered their men, money, and personal service, while leaders of the Congress Party—from Tilak, who had just been released from Mandalay and had wired the king-emperor vowing his patriotic support, to Gandhi, who toured Indian villages urging peasants to join the British army...
But a war with Gwalior in December 1843, designed to keep its large army out of hostile hands, frustrated these plans, and the directors, exasperated by Ellenborough’s arrogant self-will, resolved in April 1844 to recall him. On his return he was created an earl and viscount. Ellenborough...