* Washington, who, after uselessly admonishing the European general of the danger into which he was heedlessly running, saved the remnants of the British army, on this occasion, by his decision and courage. View in context One was Captain Stewart, of the British army, a gentleman of noble...
Public records (Maintenance and repairThe article discusses the joint project of the British National Archives and the Ancestry.co.uk where service and pension records of 2.5 million soldiers of the British army of World War 1 will be available on the Internet. These historic war records are of...
Related to British Territorial Army: Territorial and Army Volunteer ReserveTerritorial Armyn (Military) (in Britain) a standing reserve army originally organized between 1907 and 1908. Full name: Territorial and Volunteer Reserve Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ...
You will find Orders of Battle down to brigade level for 21st Army Group later British Army of the Rhine and Allied Units, also a historical records for 12th Corps, 1st Corps District, 8th Corps District, 30th Corps District, the divisions are completed and you will be able to click on ...
There are three main branches of the UK armed forces, the British Army, the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, and the Royal Marines. Of the 138,120 people serving in the UK’s armed forces in 2024, over half of them were in the British Army, which had 75,320 personnel. The next ...
Two things are well known about Powell and Pressburger’s 1943 epic about the life of an old-fashioned ex-army officer serving in the Home Guard during World War II: Churchill disliked the whole idea of it, and may have thought it was about him, and the Blimp character, over-fed and ...
A fifth horse tried to bolt but couldn't break free. “Every one of the horses involved continue to be cared for and closely observed,” the Army said. “All our horses receive the highest standards of care, and those that did not undergo surgery ...
By October 1926 the Irish Free State seemed to have emerged at last from the prolonged nightmare of the 'Troubles'. Within three and a half years of the abandonment of armed insurrection by the republicans, Cosgrave's government had proved unexpectedly effective in securing both internal stability...
(redirected fromBritish Army Post Office) AcronymDefinition BAPOBritish Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists BAPOBase Army Post Office(UK) BAPOBelgian Association of Pediatric Orthopaedics BAPOBritish Association for Paediatric Otolaryngology
(redirected fromBearskin helmet british army) Thesaurus Encyclopedia bear·skin (bâr′skĭn′) n. 1.Something, such as a rug, made from the skin of a bear. 2.A tall military hat made of black fur. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © ...