Social reform: Baldwin's government introduced the Widows', Orphans', and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act in 1925, providing pensions for those over 65.Disarmament: Baldwin supported disarmament and worked to reduce the UK's military spending. He played a key role in negotiating the Treaty of...
The controversial Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill of May 1999, which modifies the founding principles of the post-war welfare services in order to limit Government expenditure, lays to rest any lingering hopes of Government funding for a modernised, comprehensive and free at the 'point of need'...
Watching those pre-Budget TV vox pop interviews reveals people worrying about their personal finances – tax credits, help with child care, pensions, etc. They do not demand major change but instead look to be better off at the margin. I suspect this is because voters rarely believe ...
The British army occupied Kabul, as it had in the first war, and a treaty signed at Gandamak on May 26, 1879, was concluded with the former emir’s son, Yaʿqūb Khan. Yaʿqūb Khan promised, in exchange for British support and protection, to admit to his Kabul court a British ...
She rose steadily within the party, serving as a parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance (1961–64), as chief opposition spokesman on education (1969–70), and as secretary of state for education and science (1970–74) in the Conservative government of Edward...