Russian media: the British Deputy Prime Minister said it was "extremely impossible" for Britain to send troops to defend Ukraine
Tories 'certainly wouldn't rule out supporting' sending UK troops to Ukraine for peacekeeping We've just been speaking with the Tory shadow defence secretary James Cartlidge, and we started by asking what his party's position is on sending UK troops to Ukraine as part of...
Prime Minister Boris Johnson's office said that as well as the other equipment, Britain would offer night vision devices, tools to jam satellite navigation, heavy-lift drones to resupply Ukrainian troops and armoured cars for civilian officials. Johnson intends to address Ukraine's parli...
Ukraine Begins Pulling Troops from Crimea; Nation Will Hold Joint Military Exercises with U.S., BritainSEVASTOPOL, Crimea * Surrendering to Russia's inexorable seizureof Crimea, Ukraine announced...Johnthor DahlburgPeter Leonard
Only public opinion and Putin stopped Obama sending troops in to help the Sunni Muslim fanatics who wanted Syria's leader Assad out of the way so they could slaughter Syrias Shiites and Christians. Obama had to content himself with arming the rebels. Now thoise same rebels, defeated by ...
Moscow has massed tens of thousands of troops near the Russia-Ukraine border, leading to fears of an invasion. The West has rejected Moscow’s main demands — promises from NATO that Ukraine will never be added as a member, that no alliance weapons will be deployed near Russian borders, and...
To the extent that the goal of Williamson and his ilk is to ensure isolation and further threats against Russia, it’s been a smashing success.More sanctions are on the way. TheUK is sending additional troopsto the Arctic to counter Russian “aggression.” The US threatens to usenaval power...
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain warned of potential cyberattacks with "international consequences" on Tuesday after Russian President Vladimir Puitin ordered troops to two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine. Britain's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a part of the GCHQ eavesdropping int...
class="invisible"> #britain Russia-Ukraine Daily News🇬🇧 A group of
Then, Russiainvaded4Ukraine in late February, creating a new energycrisis5. Russia limited the amount of natural gas it sent to European countries that needed it to power factories, produce electricity and keep homes warm. Some energy companies are charging more because they are worried that Russ...