We present in this chapter a statistical overview of levels and trends in marriage and cohabitation in Britain in recent decades. Family change is one of the most prominent social trends of recent times in Britain as in other developed countries, including both Eastern and Southern Europe.2Among ...
Britons today get through over 2m cans of the stuff a day—more than the rest of the world combined. Both Princess Diana and Queen Camilla have claimed it as a favourite meal. But this singular obsession has crowded out other forms of pulses, reckons Professor Eric Holub of Warwick Universi...
Union membership and density have fallen, particularly in the private sector. Protection at work now rests less on collective organisation than on individual legal rights, the number of which has expanded considerably since the 1970s. There is not simply 'more law'; the nature and scope of ...
As in other countries, “1968” in Great Britain was more than simply a historical date. It has served as a cipher for a variety of protest movements, protest events, and processes of sociocultural change, mainly in the period from around 1965 to the early 1970s. Yet, in Britain, the ...
掌桥科研 EconPapers ageconsearch.umn.edu (全网免费下载) wrap.warwick.ac.uk (全网免费下载) 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献Understanding the Eects of Early Motherhood in Britain: the Eects on Mothers and Walker, I. (2004). `Understanding the e¤ects of early motherhood in Britain: the e¤ects on...
3 Department of Geology, Renard Centre of Marine Geology, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281s.8, Ghent B-9000, Belgium. 4 UMR 8187 LOG CNRS/UFR des Sciences de la Terre, Universite´ de Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Plouzane´, Lille F-59650, France. 5 5 Snowberry Court, Warwick ...
ResearchGate (全网免费下载) ResearchGate www2.warwick.ac.uk (全网免费下载) 相似文献 引证文献SCHOOL, OCCUPATION, CULTURE, AND FAMILY: THE IMPACT OF PARENTAL SCHOOLING ON THE PARENT‐CHILD RELATIONSHIP In contrast to the amount of attention and research devoted to the impact of schooling on individua...
layout and structure in the late 1870s by a local antiquarian, despite there being another local legend saying “that it would never be rebuilt” as all the stonework had apparently been taken away in order to stop such a thing ever happening again. The site is in the care of Heritage ...
As the UK falls into a recession that could soon swallow Europe, this town offers clues on England’s cost-of-living nightmare ByLucia Stein While much of the world anxiously waits to see if their economies will tip into a recession next year, the United Kingdom may already be in the m...
13.Love Supreme, a three-day event at Glynde Place in East Sussex, is on July 5 to 7 with a lineup that includes the up-and-coming Olivia Dean, plus stalwarts of global soul, jazz and R&B talent like Dionne Warwick, Chaka Khan and Kool & the Gang. ...