MSc Management (Digitalisation and Big Data) MSc Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) MSc Management (International Business) MSc Management (International HRM) MSc Management (Marketing) MSc Management (Project Management) 申请截止日期:2023年7月31日。 注意:今年,布里斯托大学很多专业由于申请量大已经...
MSc Management (International Business) MSc Management (Marketing) MSc Management (Operations and Project Management)MSc Social Science Research Methods (Management) 雅思7分看似可怕,但这个变化其实对学生的实际影响不大。因为从以往经验来看,写作和口语能达到6.5的学生,听力和阅读基本不会差,总分也是妥妥的7...
•MSc Finance and Investment •MSc Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability 经济学院 •MSc Economics •MSc Economics and Finance •MSc Economics, Finance and Management(3.7截止) 管理学院 •MSc Management (Project Management...
•MSc Finance and Investment •MSc Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability 经济学院未截止的有: •MSc Economics •MSc Economics and Finance •MSc Economics, Finance and Management 管理学院未截止的有: •MSc Management (P...
【OFFER展示】布里斯托大学University of Bristol MSc Management (International Business) 【学校介绍】布里斯托大学(University of Bristol),简称布大,始建于1876年,世界百强名校,属于红砖大学、罗素大学集团、科英布拉集团、世界大学联盟、国际大学气候联盟、欧洲大学协会成员。2023QS世界大学排名第61名 。
请大家在2020年12月7日前尽早完成递交。 MSc Business Analytics MSc Global Operations & Supply Chain Management MSc Management MSc Management (International Business) MSc Management (Project management) MSc Management (Marketing) MSc Financial Technology with Data Science...
我修的课程是MSc Management, 一年制,在就读之前可以选择读语言班来提前适应这里的生活和节奏,语言班有...
的课程是MSc Management, 一年制,在就读之前可以选择读语言班来提前适应这里的生活和节奏,语言班有6周,10周,根据自己情况进行申请。 正的话一年需要学习4门必修课和4门选修课,还有最后的project-based dissertation, 字数范围在1万2-1万5。总共修够180学分,最终的毕业成绩分为:pass;merit还有distinction;...
You will study three core units and then be able to choose one optional unit from each of the key subject areas of accounting, finance and management and one additional optional unit from the research method section. The final part of the MSc is a project-based dissertation of between ...
MSC、BSC全流程整理 热度: 84 CHARING CROSS ROAD(已排版) 热度: CurriculumVitae AndrewMiltonM.Sc.B.Sc.MBCS 84MapleRoad,BristolBS78RG (T)01179444567(M)07941590448 Summary PRINCE2Practitionerqualified