To effectively manage water quality within Brisbane City, a new planning scheme, high level policies, and a wide range of water quality management guidelines have been developed by Brisbane City Council. The aim of these documents is to achieve effective on-ground outcomes that will achieve ecologi...
*The Property Council reported a figure of 60% for August 2021, but this would have been illegal on 10 August as there was a 50% capacity limit. We don’t know the exact dates when the survey was conducted, I can only assume later in that month when restrictions were eased. 47% of...
Alex specialises in planning and environment, advising on major projects, compliance, and social licence across various sectors.
council signing off on its new planning scheme, but requiring that 1400ha south of Caloundra South be included as an investigation area for potential future urban development.The council unsuccessfully fought the inclusion of the area, owned by Stockland, in the Bligh Government's 2009 revision of...
Critically, the scheme reflects the same building envelope, height, and car park layout as the one endorsed by Brisbane City Council – suggesting minimal planning risk and a seamless approval process. From an urban design standpoint, the centrepiece of this development is the integration and repurp...
To view the LIVE program online, visit the Brisbane City Council website. According to BCC, LIVE is an “innovative, socially inclusive and diverse program of arts and cultural events that includes music, festivals, cultural activities and community projects”. You can pick up a copy from cultu...
The facilities' construction was part of a strenuous, but largely ineffective, scheme by the Brisbane City Council to bolster women's participation in civic life, which rather than having an altruistic basis, was guided by an emerging principle that women's public influence was n...