Perfect your wet brine technique with this recipe for brining whole chicken or turkey. What Does Brining Do? A brine is simply salty liquid (a dry cure with water). Doesn’t sound like much, but in fact, when salt combines with water, its power is magnified. Salt in solution penetrates...
No matter what size turkey or chicken you’re cooking, you want to maintain the same salt concentration in the water. I’ve been usingSerious Eat’s turkey brine formulaand found very good success. Here is the basic recipe: 6% Brine Solution:1 ¼ cups (225 g) kosher salt + 1-gallon...
For chicken pieces like breasts or thighs, 2 hours is usually enough time. Pork may take about four times as long to brine as poultry. In most cases, it's difficult to predict how fast the salt moves into the meat when you double or halve the salt in the brine, but it's worth ...