Bringing home a new cat can be fun and exciting. Petfinder wants to make that transition smooth and easy. Click here for resources to bring home a new cat.
Tips on how to introduce a new cat or kitten to a new home, including one with other pets, and make them feel at home more quickly. Learn what supplies you’ll need to give your new cat the best care.
These meetings should be short and in a “neutral space” that neither cat has been spending most of their time in. It’s normal for them to be shy or hesitant at first - no need to rush them. Try adding toys in the space to encourage play. If there are any signs of discomfort, ...
其中 包括提供事实和数字的年度报告,特别程序季刊,条约机构工作的季度通讯,以 及介绍条约机构的题为“Bringing rights home”的新的 DVD 培训光盘。 In this connection, the AFCD has been stepping up education and bringing home the message of responsible pet ownership through differen...
bring the animal into your home. Just as important is to ensure you prepare the proper environment for your new cat. Beyond food, scratching posts, a litter box, and a few toys, every cat needs a safe and secure place where it can retreat to feel protected and use as a resting area....
Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting event for most people, especially those families with children. The much anticipated event is finally here, and it’s time to welcome the new ball of fur into your home. But Wait! Wait?
If you share your home with others, make sure everyone's on board with getting a new cat, and determine ahead of time who will be responsible for duties like feeding her and cleaning the litter box. If you have kids, establish rules and talk to them about safe ways to play with the ...
watching your cat grow from a tiny fluff ball into a sleek and healthy adult. And remember: Your vet is here to guide you along the way. Now that you know all about kittens and how to raise them, you're well equipped to provide your new kitten with a welcoming home and a great ...
Bringing a New Cat into the HouseholdRead the full-text online article and more details about Bringing a New Cat into the Household.By VietsElaine
fetch –to go, get, and bring back: My cat plays fetch. take –the opposite of bring: Take me home with you. Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree bring (brĭng) tr.v. brought (brôt), bring·ing, brings 1. To carry, con...