WAY 1:Bring your own cup to Starbucks.You'll get a 10-cent discount,and it's one less paper cup to end up in a dustbin.The store won't create more waste when they throw away a cup.WAY 2:Turn off your computer.When in standby mode (待机模式),your PC is st...
Strategy 1: Bring your own cup to Starbucks You'll get a 10-cent discount and it's one less paper cup to end up in a dustbin The store won't create more waste when they throw away a cup Strategy 2: Turn off your computer
The president of Starbucks in the UK said, "We are very happy to increase recycling rates(比率),and reusable cups are a key part of our waste reduction plan." Bosses will decide later if they will continue the discounts. People who bring their own cups will not get a discount on the ...
Customers who use their own cups receive a 10-cent discount and 25 Bonus Stars if they’re a Starbucks Rewards member. If you order in-store, simply tell the barista you brought your own cup, and they’ll take it from you. If you order in a drive-thru, let them k...
阅读理解 1 The goal here is to limit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which are closely associated to the big problem of global warming. Strategy 1: Bring your own cup to Starbucks You'll get a 10 cent discount, and it's one less paper cup
The coffee shop Starbucks will give people a discount if they bring their own cups. It wants to cut down on the number of paper cups that are put in the rubbish bins. It is part of a two-month experiment in cafes in England. Starbucks wants to reduce waste and recycle more, The ...
Strategy 1: Bring your own cup to Starbucks You’ll get a 10 cent discount, and it’s one less paper cup to end up in a landfill. While you’re there, pick up some free bags of spent coffee grounds to use as ‘‘green’’ fertilizer in your garden. ...
Customers who received this year’s reusable red cup can bring it back to a participating Starbucks store after 2 p.m. starting Nov. 7 to receive a discount off their handcrafted grande holiday beverage, for a limited time. Each year, the arrival of the Starbucks red cup signals the ...
The president of Starbucks in the UK said, "We are very happy to increase recycling rates(比率),and reusable cups are a key part of our waste reduction plan." Bosses will decide later if they will continue the discounts. People who bring their own cups will not get a discount on the ...
Despite this, I’ve been spending enough to get $0.60/gal discount on said affiliation’s fuel at least once a month, for months now. This doesn’t count what is being bought in bulk at Costco (I’ve cut way on Costco runs). Then there is the Petsmart pet food runs (I can get...