Is there any way to get them back to their original state? No icons, no preview window, and that they do not shrink so much, but remain with the title and scroll horizontally... When I upgraded to Catalina from High Sierra, Safari 15's tabs behaved like they did in the old version....
Windows 10 going back to log in screen after signing in every time Windows 10 GPO / Registry - Interactive logon: Machine inactivity limit still using old 60 second lock out settings Windows 10 handles AllowRemoteRPC tweak differently Windows 10 HELLO PIN authentication not working when swapping ...
Old rev (bring him back as Revenant) and new rev as fade or whatever from the mobile game. old rev was fun and unique. The new one is for players not wanting to think how to use his abilities and never had fun with him in the first place. Whats worse is they removed his kit bef...
I've been using this program for over 10 years now, my workspaces and editing style is built around the old standard track height and having to manually adjust each new layer as it gets created is costing me too much time. Idea No status TOPICS Editing and playback , User experience ...
Bring back visual defrag diagram! 项目 2016/11/12 QuestionSaturday, November 12, 2016 9:41 AM | 2 votesI don't know when nor why this was removed, but, for some reason, I used to love the old Windows defrag that had a diagram. It used to be 50x50, or something, grid with ...
Please bring it back alongside duos and trios ","descendants":{"__typename":"MessageConnection","edges":[{"__typename":"MessageEdge","cursor":"MjQuMTJ8Mi4xfGl8MTB8Mzk6MXxpbnQsNTc0MTQwMyw1NzQxNDAz","node":{"__ref":"ForumReplyMessage:message:5741403"}},{"__typename":"MessageEdge",...
Instead of the old and complicated Single Document Interface (SDI) or Multiple Document Interface (MDI), you can use tabs, which can host controls or other forms. Thus, you won't see any CFrameWnd, CMDIChildWnd, or anything similar; there's no need for them. If you need...
Having Cortana a right-click away in Old Edge is unbelievably useful. Using her to quickly do a search without opeing a new tab is just amazing. ej_6612 Yes, please bring this back. I came to rely on "Ask Cortana" a ton while doing technical research online. It was exceptionally user...
WP7 users and device owners, we got your back. Posted onAugust 13, 2014Posted inOld smartphonesTaggedDIY home security,lumia,motion detection,motion detection camera,photo surveillance,skype,windows phone,windows phone 7Leave a comment Android is known for being the most open of all the mobile...
( sure samsung might have thought of brining mouse support for their tabs ;-) ).. Reply ? Anonymous 0Uh 25 Nov 2015 I want the Galaxy S7 to be smaller than S6 and S5 , to have removeble battery ( Every android phone will freeze at some tine , you can remove the battery and turn...