Here’s why. A safe brine for pickling and canning has a certain salt and vinegar percentage that ensures the vegetable – cucumbers, green beans, beets, whatever – will be properly acidulated to prevent the growth ofClostridium botulinumand other nasty microbes. When a vegetable is pickled, t...
For a guy sitting under a palm tree and without access to electricity and the air conditioning, the only means to cool down is to keep on eating hot peppers and drinking cold beer.Pepper is basically added for flavor. It has no value as a preservative and has little efect when added ...
Editor's Note: Always brine foods in a food-grade, nonreactive container such as a stainless steel or enameled stockpot, a brining bag, or a food-grade plastic bucket. Nutrition data for this recipe includes the full amount of brine ingredients. The actual amount of brine consumed will vary...