可唯一識別子裝置的整數。 顯示迷你埠驅動程式的DxgkDdiQueryChildRelations函式先前會提供此標識碼給顯示埠驅動程式。 [in] pIn DXGK_BRIGHTNESS_SET_IN結構,其中包含設定亮度呼叫的輸入參數。 傳回值 如果作業成功,則傳回STATUS_SUCCESS。 否則,傳回 ntstatus.h 中定義的適當 NTSTATUS 值錯誤碼。
The display miniport driver must implement the WDDM DXGK_BRIGHTNESS_INTERFACE_2 interface and indicate support for smooth brightness control using the capability bit defined in that interface. The driver must report 101 levels to Windows. Brightness is reported as a percentage, so this covers the ...
Note Starting with Windows 10, version 1703, this setting can no longer be used in provisioning packages. For more information on changes to the Windows Provisioning Framework, see Windows Provisioning Framework. This setting may have a Configuration Service Provider (CSP) equivalent that can be...
integrated display. If an integrated display is detected, Windows will query the WDDM driver for theDXGK_BRIGHTNESS_INTERFACE_2interface. This interface is mandatory for all WDDM 1.2 drivers. The presence of this interface indicates that the driver supports brightness control of the integrated display...
To update your device drivers, you need to go to the manufacturers’ website, find the drivers corresponding with your specific flavor of Windows version (eg. Windows 32 bit) and download the driver manually. For example, you may visitNvidia,AMD,Intel, or other official websites to update ...
Download PC HelpSoft Driver Updater and install it on your PC Start the scanning process to search for outdated or missing drivers that cause problems Right-click on Update Now to allow the update process. Download nowPC HelpSoft has been downloaded by0readers this month ...
As mentioned briefly above, on some Windows operating systems the screen brightness regulator sporadically does not work, or the monitor driver does not work quite correctly under Windows 11, 10, ... etc. Or for whatever reason, a defective screen brightness control on the monitor is also ...
The preferred way for user-mode clients to control brightness is through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). The monitor driver implements the WMI brightness controls that select a brightness level or revert the brightness level to the level that was selected by the currently active DPPE policy...
Check for Windows Update and see if there is any new update? Check your device's manufacturer website and see if there is any new driver update available.