“Bright Star” by John Keats, expresses the poet’s desire to be like a star. In the poem the tone is melancholic while the theme is the desire to live in an unchanging state. Keats uses rhyme and literary techniques to reveal these ideas. The melancholic tone is expressed throughout th...
bright star What is a brief analysis of the poem 'Bright Star' by John Keats? "Bright Star" by John Keats expresses the poet's desire to be like a star. The tone is melancholic while the theme is the desire to live in an unchanging state. The impossibility of this desire leads to ...
- This poem talks abouteternity. Thelyricalvoice makesan emphasis ontheimportance of the figure of the star. Consequently, the star not only represents eternity but,also makes a conjunction with transience. Finally, the poem acquiresa dreamlike tonethroughout the stanzas for itsconstant rhythm and...
unlike most sonnets, "Bright Star" is not addressed to a specific person, but rather to a star in the sky. The poem begins with an apostrophe, or direct address, to the star: "Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art." This opening line sets the tone for the...
Abriefanalysisofthispoem "BrightStar"expressesthepoet'sdesiretobelikeastar.Thetoneismelancholicwhilethethemeisthedesiretoliveinanunchangingstate.Theimpossibilityofthisdesireleadstoitsmelancholicfeeling.Itisagracefulsonnet(fourteen-linerhymingpoemwithsetstructure:ashortpoemwith14lines,usuallytensyllablerhyming...
The poem is addressed to a star, which Keats describes as "steadfast." This word is important, as it sets the tone for the entire poem. Keats is expressing his desire to be as unwavering and constant as the star he is addressing. ...
Till the sun is in the sky,It's your bright and isnv spair.Lights the traveller in the dark,Though I know not what you areTwinkle, twinkle, little star!( )29. How does this poem rhyme?A. aabbB. ababC. abbaD. abcd( )30. Which of the following uses "personification(拟人)"?A....
"BrightStar"expressesthepoet'sdesiretobelikeastar. Thetoneismelancholicwhilethethemeisthedesiretolive inanunchangingstate.Theimpossibilityofthisdesireleads toitsmelancholicfeeling. Itisagracefulsonnet(fourteen-linerhymingpoemwith setstructure:ashortpoemwith14lines,usuallyten- ...
But such a "star-filled" evening also creates the perfect conditions for the "bomber's eye,"—that is, the Sarajevans are more likely to get killed when the pilots overhead can see where they're aiming. And such violence, the poem notes, is built on supposed differences so meaningless ...
another inversion is placed – lovers using the ‘tender radar of tone of voice’ to locate each other. Harrison suggests that in time the instruments of war will become part of the arsenal of love and therefore of peace, as long as the individuals, such as the pair in this poem, contin...