As darkness falls this evening (July 7), make sure to check out the south-southwest sky. About one-third of the way up from the horizon to the point directly overhead you will see yet another in the monthly series of triangular configurations formed by the moon, a bright star and a br...
Come to think of it, last night I saw a very bright object in the southwest sky. Since it was still twilight I thought it was Venus. Later that night I thought, hey, Venus doesn't rise until morning??? One time I was out and I saw a tremendous glowing two lobed plum that was a...
in the south and Mars in the southwest. The moon and Saturn will take one last cosmic tango onSaturday, May 22 when the moon shines below the ringed planet at sunset. Youcan find them by looking high in the southern sky. StarDate is a bi-monthly astronomy and skywatching publicationof ...
The window for naked-eye Vesta viewing begins June 5th, when the asteroid is well-placed in the southeastern sky shortly before moonrise, and ends about July 16th, when it fades back to magnitude 6.0, the traditional naked-eye limit. Peak viewing, when the asteroid is brightest in a moonles...
David O'Connor
"Make sure you don't have anything blocking your view in the east-northeast this month, or west-southwest next month," Rao said. "Everything is going to be rather low in the sky when they're visible, so make sure there are no buildings or tall trees that might block your view of ...
The brilliant planet Venus is now a beautiful evening "star" in the late-fall twilight, shining brightly in the southwest through the purple dusk. But did you know Venus has phases like the moon that are visible in telescopes? Weather permitting, Venus is the first planet night sky observers...