伯明翰大学Brigham Young University 还在身高过膝时,美国各个角落里的摩门教徒就梦想着能进入杨伯翰大学(BYU)。多数男 子和一些女子做了两年的传教士。BYU的氛围是态度温和和传统的。 BYU与摩门教的密切关系意味着“BYU 有很高的道德情操和健康的环境,这让学生感觉安 全和舒服,”一名大四学生说。神圣感在 BYU 弥漫...
Brigham Young University 学校官网 U.S. NEWS综排:109区域分类:City学校类型:大学 私立混合 学生数量:34454研究生数量:3053 因为BYU是一所教会学校,新生入学时都得签一份荣誉准则(Honor Code),里面的内容包括学术诚信、不抽烟喝酒吸毒、甚至不喝咖啡或茶等。杨百翰大学里设立学院有:商学院,生物与农业学院,教育学院...
Brigham Young University即杨百翰大学,是位于美国犹他州的一所私立大学。 杨百翰大学(英语:Brigham Young University,缩写:BYU)为耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(LDS Church)在美国犹他州Provo建立的一所大学,以LDS第二任总会会长杨百翰的名字命名。这所大学是美国最大的宗教大学,也是美国第三大私立大学。 杨百翰大学中大约有9...
杨百翰大学(英语:Brigham Young University,缩写:BYU)成立于1875年,学校坐落于美国犹他州的普罗沃市(Provo),是一所美国著名的私立研究型大学。 杨百翰大学为耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(LDS Church)在美国犹他州普罗沃建立的一所大学,这所大学是美国最大的教会大学,也是美国第三大私立大学。 大学所在地普罗沃市被评为美国...
Brigham Young is a highly rated private university located in Provo, Utah in the Salt Lake City Area. It is a large institution with an enrollment of 28,254 undergraduate students. Admissions is somewhat competitive as the Brigham Young acceptance rate is 67%. Popular majors include Accounting,...
Brigham Young U, founded in 1875, is a church-affiliated university of liberal arts and sciences. It is a continuing experiment on a great premise that a large and complex university can be first-class academically while nurturing an environment of faith in God and the practice of Christian pr...
Brigham Young University (BYU), located in Provo, Utah, United States, is a private, coeducational research university owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon Church). It is the oldest existing institution within the LDS Church Educational System, is America's...
Brigham Young University is a private R2 University located in Provo, UT. Its 2024 tuition & fees is $6,496.
杨百翰大学 Brigham Young University,是一所Private学校,位于美国西部的Provo,位列USNews | 2012年美国大学本科会计专业排名 No.#3 | 2012年美国最有价值的综合大学排名 No.#13 | 2012年美国大学本科国际商务专业排名 No.#14。杨百翰大学最受欢迎专业,Business/Marketin
NameBrigham Young University StreetMain Campus CityProvo StateUT ZIP Code84602 Contact Information AddressMain Campus, Provo, Utah 84602 Websitewww.byu.edu/ Phone(801) 422-4636 More Information Type4-year, Private not-for-profit Adwards OfferedBachelor's degree;Postbaccalaureate certificate;Master's ...