Briefly explain the process of digestion. Describe how the body uses respiration to regulate the PH of the Blood. Why does air move out of the lungs during inspiration? Explain the air pressure differences in and out of the lungs during inspiration and expiration. ...
ai● Digestion is the process whereby large complex,aiiinsoluble food molecules are broken down I hydrolysedinto simpler, soluble and diffusible molecules that canbe absorbed into the body cells.●There are two types of digestion, chemical digestionwhere it involves breaking down chemical bonds within...
Briefly explain the conversion cycle of rhodopsin in dark and light. Briefly Define: Hyperextension Describe the following movement and provide one or two examples of it in the body: Adduction Briefly explain the process of digestion. Describe the three steps in hemostasis and what activates each ...
Name and briefly explain the three main functions of the nervous system. What are the differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in terms of their actions, of what they control and of their effect? List two examples of homeostasis as a proce...
Briefly explain the process of digestion. Explain how thrombocytes are created. Provide a brief description of a catalyst. Describe the cortex. Explain all the events that occur during synaptic transmission. Describe briefly the function of the denticulate ligaments. ...
Briefly explain the process of protein biosynthesis. Explain the regulatory steps of protein catabolism. Can enzymes catalyse anabolic reactions? Discuss the synthesis and action of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. Briefly distinguish between organic and inorganic molecules. ...
Briefly explain the process of digestion. (a) Describe the overall function of the digestive system. (b) Differentiate the organs of the alimentary canal from the accessory organs of digestion. Describe the function of the digestive system, and differentiate between organs of the alimentary canal ...
(a) Describe the structure of the flagella. (b) Describe its function. Explain briefly how an amoeba moves and describe its structure. Explain the process of digestion and absorption. Explain the function of chemical digestion. Describe how starch is digested and absorbed in our body. ...
Explain the process of depolarization in a nerve. Explain the neurotransmitters released within the sympathetic nervous system. Explain parasympathetic and sympathetic paths in breathing. Describe the results of parasympathetic stimulation. What are the similariti...
Briefly explain the process of digestion. Briefly describe the microscopic appearance of a skeletal muscle tissue. Briefly describe tendonitis. Describe the articulation of the scapula. Describe the fibrous skeleton of the heart, and explain its functions. Describe the role of the osteoclasts and osteo...