内容提示: 簡式健康量表( Brief Symptom Rating Scale, 簡稱 BSRS-5) 簡式健康量表是由臺大李明濱教授等人所發展, 主要為精神症狀之篩檢表, 目 的在於能迅速瞭解個人之心理照護需求, 進而提供所需心理衛生服務。 簡式健康量表 BSRS-5 原設計為一自填量表, 但也可使用面談或電話訪談進行。適用於認識中文字或...
BSRS Brief Symptom Rating Scale BSRS Backward Stimulated Raman Scattering BSRS Bay State Race Services (est. 1989; Haverhill, MA) BSRS Backward Stimulated Raman Spectrometry BSRS Base Station Resource Scheduler Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. Suggest new definitionWant...
In an attempt to increase uniformity and unambiguity of evaluation through rating scales of schizophrenia and schizophrenialike psychosis, the 5-step edition of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) is used. In this edition of BPRS the 18 symptoms and the symptom grading are expressed in ...
The BSI test provides a short version of the SCL-90-R instrument. Quickly measure psychological symptoms with The Brief Symptom Inventory from Pearson.
BSI or Brief Symptom Inventory is an instrument that evaluates psychological distress and psychiatric disorders in people. BSI collects data reported by patients for the evaluation. The test can be used for areas such as patient progress, treatment measurements, and psychological assessment.The test is...
Factor analysis of symptom ratings recorded on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) for a sample of 87 geropsychiatry inpatients resulted in five rela... JE Overall,SA Beller - 《Journal of Gerontology》 被引量: 361发表: 1984年 Longitudinal Factor Structure of the Brief Psychiatric Rating ...
The Brief Negative Symptom Scale (BNSS) is a 13-item instrument designed for clinical trials and other studies that measures these 5 domains. The interrater, test–retest, and internal consistency of the instrument were strong, with respective intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.93 for the ...
Validation of the rating scales for negative symptoms: new strategies In the lecture the process will be described using the Brief Negative Symptom Scale and the Clinical Assessment Interview for Negative Symptoms (CAINS) as ... S Leucht,S Wehr - 《European Psychiatry》 被引量: 0发表: 2024年...
The BSI (Derogatis and Melisaratos1983) is a shortened, 53-item version of the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90; Derogatis et al.1973) that measures emotional-behavioral functioning in nine dimensions: somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic an...
correlation between Brief INSPIRE-O and the number of unmet needs measured with the Camberwell Assessment of Needs (CANSAS) [47] and social disability measured with the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) [48] and with limitations in clinical disability measured with the HoNOS symptom ...